For example, when one has a personal credit score of 680 plus and a three, year aged shelf corporation from, say, California the likelihood of them getting approval for a line of credit is high.
Please realize that getting approved for a line of credit isn't guaranteed. It's all about timing and taking the correct procedures.
The American banking industry can be cumbersome and stern at times, yet, please never forget that banks approve loans everyday of the week. Anyhow, back to shelf corps.
If you want fast funding-- within 45 business days or less and you have a 680 FICO-- you should consider acquiring the following aged shelf corporations from First Tranche Financial Group:
Available Shelf Corporation(s):
12 Year Aged Nevada Shelf Corporation w/ $1,000,000 corporate line of credit
Cost: $45,000
Cost: $45,000
Virtual Office (1 Business Day)
· Phone Number (1 Business Day)
· 411 Listing For Phone Number (4 Business Days)
· Professional Company Email Address (1 Business Day)
· Yellow Pages Listing (4 Business Days)
· EIN Number (1 Business Day)
· DNB Profile (4 Business Days)
· Corporate Kit (3 Business Days)
· Certificate of Good Standing (1 Business Day)
· Bank of America Business Checking Bank Account
(4 Business Days)
(4 Business Days)