Saturday, January 17, 2009


Aged Shelf Corporations are seasoned corporations which have been unused prior to your acquisition of them. Essentially, they've been sitting on the "shelf." In the world of corporate finance, aged shelf corps are used as a means of instant banking respect.

For example, when one has a personal credit score of 680 plus and a three, year aged shelf corporation from, say, California the likelihood of them getting approval for a line of credit is high.
Please realize that getting approved for a line of credit isn't guaranteed. It's all about timing and taking the correct procedures.

The American banking industry can be cumbersome and stern at times, yet, please never forget that banks approve loans everyday of the week. Anyhow, back to shelf corps.

If you want fast funding-- within 45 business days or less and you have a 680 FICO-- you should consider acquiring the following aged shelf corporations from First Tranche Financial Group:

Available Shelf Corporation(s):

12 Year Aged Nevada Shelf Corporation w/ $1,000,000 corporate line of credit

Cost: $45,000


Virtual Office (1 Business Day)

· Phone Number (1 Business Day)

· 411 Listing For Phone Number (4 Business Days)

· Professional Company Email Address (1 Business Day)

· Yellow Pages Listing (4 Business Days)

· EIN Number (1 Business Day)

· DNB Profile (4 Business Days)

· Corporate Kit (3 Business Days)

· Certificate of Good Standing (1 Business Day)

· Bank of America Business Checking Bank Account
(4 Business Days)




In today's financial world corporate credit is extremely influential in your businesses' success or failure. At First Tranche we'll guide you on the steps which need to be taken in order to obtain corporate credit from both private and conventional financial lenders.

Don't be fooled by false rumors or individual beliefs on the banking industry. You will need at least a FICO score of 680 or above, no derogatory accounts, at least three positive revolving tradelines and no more than two inquiries in the last 6 months to potentially qualify for a corporate line of credit or business loan.

There is a contrary belief amongst novice business borrowers that one can obtain business credit and not be personally responsible for the debt, which is true. However, a personal fico score of 680 on ones' tri-merge report is needed to personally guarantee the line of credit or loan. Further, temporary personal guarantors are sometimes used to fulfill this universal lending requirement.

What can I do if I have a low fico score and want to obtain approval for a corporate credit line?

Step 1: Find out what your tri-merge (Experian, Equifax and Transunion) scores are. (,,

Step 2: If your tri-merge scores are under 680 consider adding three tradelines to your credit report. (You can order three from First Tranche for $2,500 and they will post on the 10th of the month or you will be refunded your money)

Step 3: Get credit inquiries and derogs removed from your profile within 45 business days for $4,000.

Step 4: Obtain two secured credit cards

Step 5: Wait 60 days for your fico score to boost at 250 points.

Step 6: Consult with First Tranche Financial Group about what amount of line of credit/loan you'll pre-qualify for.

How much will my line of credit be for?

Depending upon your fico score and respective profile of your entity you can be approved for $10,000 to $5,000,000. Again, it's based on your entity and personal credit score. The higher the better. The lower the worse.

How much would I have to pay for First Tranche to consult me on how to obtain corporate credit?

First Tranche Financial Group charges a $1500 consultation fee to guide you on how to get approved for corporate credit. The consultation fee doesn't guarantee you'll be approved for funding, though.

What should I do if I want to order the corporate credit consulting service?

You should contact Brandon Watson, a financial consultant for First Tranche at (480)553.3265 or

First Tranche Financial Group LLC

First Tranche Financial Group LLC is an independent financial brokerage specializing in private funding, corporate credit leveraging and international financial instruments. In addition, we offer financial consultation for corporate credit, small business owners and tycoons.

Located in Surprise, AZ, First Tranche services clients worldwide.

Feel free to contact Brandon Watson at (480) 553-3265 or rehabcredit@gmail or by mail at:

First Tranche Financial Group LLC
14859 North 174th Lane
Surprise, AZ 85388